Social Justice
Smithfield’s Lagoons and Their Impact on North Carolina Residents
Of Meat and Men: Why is it “Manly” to Eat Meat?
What Does Effective Altruism Lead Us to Believe About Factory Farming?
Food Apartheid and the Relation to Factory Farming
What Are Food Deserts and Why Do They Exist?
Exploitation and Trafficking in the Commercial Fishing Industry
Violence Translating Outside the Slaughterhouse
5 Current Social Justice Issues and How You Can Help
An Overview of the Universal School Meals Program Act
On Anti-Asian Racism, Orientalism, and the Gendered and Racial Politics of Plant-Based Eating
The Silent Victims of Animal Agriculture: Pregnant Farmworkers
Using Indigenous Farming Practices to Combat Factory Farming
Dangerous Working Conditions on Factory Farms
Celebrating and Supporting Black Led Vegan and Food Justice Organizations
Food Justice and Related Movements
Colonization and Diet: Why Plant-Based Diets are Nothing New
Connecting Factory Farming and the Prison Industrial Complex
Factory Farming and Environmental Racism
Reaching Out to Local Communities about Pandemic-EBT Benefits
Black-Owned Vegan Businesses You Can Support
Standing In Solidarity With Black Communities
Standing in Solidarity with Workers in Meat Processing Plants
Factory Farming is a Feminist Issue (Part II)
Factory Farming's Impacts on Indigenous Populations
Factory Farming is a Feminist Issue (Part I)