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New Roots Staff
New Roots Institute Fellows Launch Plant-Based Dining Initiative at Restaurants Around the World
New Roots Institute Fellow Jessica Cohen Successfully Implements Plant-Based Snacks at Cornell University Cafes
Executive Director Monica Chen and New Roots Institute Are Recognized in Vox’s Future Perfect 50 List
New Roots Institute at Climate Week NYC: Spotlighting Sustainable Food Systems
New Roots Institute Featured in New York City’s Food Education Roadmap
New Roots Fellows Spearhead 50% Plant-Based Dining Hall Commitment at UCLA
A Conversation with Lynn Henning on Water Pollution, Health Risks, and Economic Fallout Caused by Factory Farms
Our Students Secure Campaign Victory in Campus Cafes
What Are the Laws That Protect Animals and Their Rights?
Are Cows Smart? What Recent Research Says About Cows’ Intelligence
Are Humans Supposed To Eat Meat? Why Shouldn't We Eat Meat?
What Is Ocean Acidification and How Does It Affect Marine Life?
Chicken Antibiotics: Why Are Chickens Given Antibiotics?
Ocean Dead Zones: What Are They and Can Dead Zones Recover?
Egg Farms: How Are Laying Hens Raised on Egg Farms?
What Are Food Deserts and Why Do They Exist?
What Is Free-Range Chicken and What Does Free-Range Really Mean?
Is Soy Bad for You? What Are the Potential Health Benefits of Soy?
What Is Deforestation and What Are the Causes of Deforestation?
What Is Climate Change and Is It Real? What Causes Climate Change?
How Does Corn Farming Work and Is It Bad for the Environment?
Fish Farms: What Is Fish Farming and Why Is It Bad?
10 of the Worst Pandemics in History: Is COVID the Worst?
What Is Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry? Is Land Use Change Bad?
5 Current Social Justice Issues and How You Can Help
Soy Farms: Is Soy Farming Bad for the Environment?
Factory Farming and the Environment: 11 Facts and Statistics
When Did Factory Farming Start and Why Does It Still Exist?
Factory Farming Cows: What Happens to Cows in Factory Farms?
What Is Chicken Factory Farming, and How Bad Is It?
What is Animal Slaughter and How Are Animals Slaughtered?
Intensive Agriculture: Characteristics, Examples, and Why Is It Bad?
Animal Agriculture: How Bad Is It for Climate Change and the Environment?
Dairy Cows: How Long Do They Live and Milk Production Statistics
Pig Farming: Why Is It Bad, and Do Pigs Suffer?
Plant-Based Meat: What Is It Made of, and Is It Healthy?
Cow Farm: What Is It and Why Are Cow Farms Bad?
Factory Farming: What Is It, and Why Is It Bad for Animals?
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